Monday, August 25, 2008

Dan and Tessa's Wedding | Alpine Valley Ski Resort - White Lake, Michigan

We had a blast photographing Dan and Tessa's wedding at the Alpine Valley Ski Resort in White Lake, Michigan. Having skied there many times when we were living in the Detroit area of Michigan, I can tell you it looks totally different in the Summer! The wedding day weather was beautiful and provided the perfect opportunity for us to take some nice outdoor photos of the wedding party. My favorite photo is of Dan lifting up Tessa's wedding gown as they cross a dirt road...what a Gentleman!Tessa's beautiful eyes!

What a bunch of wedding party cuties! One of the greatest thing about being a wedding photographer is seeing the joy on people's faces during on one of the happiest days of their life. Young kids are no exception; they are always so happy to be contributing in a significant way during the wedding.

I loved the beautiful green grass covering the ski slopes. With the mid-afternoon sun shining bright it made a vibrant backdrop for some great wedding photographs of the bridal party.

Hey little guy...What are you looking at?

Bridal Party entering the reception!

One of MY other favorite photographs of the day. I love the warmth that the desk lamp cast on the bride shortly before the wedding ceremony.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ionia Free Fair Photography Contest

I'm so glad to see that my young daughter is inheriting my love of photography! She bought her first Canon this year from money she received at her first communion party and she is already putting her new equipment to good use. Every year the Ionia Free Fair sponsors a photography and art contest for amateurs and professionals and I'm proud to say that my daughter won an award in the youth photography division this year...way to go!!! We were all so proud of her! I just love to admire all the creative talent that is on display every year. Some of the paintings this year were absolutely breathtaking! I'm so jealous, I wish I could paint like that!

Here is the photo my daughter took:

If anyone knows what kind of mushroom this is I'd love to know...I couldn't figure it out. She took it during one of our hikes at Hoffmaster State Park in Muskegon, Michigan.